Optima Toolbox Installation

The Optima Toolbox code lives on github. A standard way to install this code is to ensure that git is installed on your system, then clone the code by running the following command in your terminal after navigating to a desired directory:

git clone https://github.com/djrakita/optima_toolbox.git

The Optima Toolbox repository has several sub-repositories. In order to pull all updates from the sub-repositories, navigate into the optima_toolbox directory:

cd optima_toolbox

then run the following command in your terminal:

git submodule update --init --recursive

And that's it! The Optima Toolbox files are now on your computer. In the following section, I will outline how to install the Rust toolchain in order to further set up the Optima Toolbox.

Note that if the optima_bevy feature is on (it is by default), you will also need to setup dependencies for the bevy game engine on your system.