Robot Configurations

In this tutorial, we will cover how to create a new robot configuration, how to use this robot configuration module to instantiate a robot, and how to save this configuration for later use.

A RobotConfigurationModule affords extra specificity and functionality over a robot model. For example, a robot configuration can include a mobile base, a base offset, removed links, as well as fixed joint values that will not be considered degrees of freedom. Let's examine some code that creates, modifies, saves, and loads a robot configuration:

extern crate optima;

use optima::robot_modules::robot::Robot;
use optima::robot_modules::robot_configuration_module::{ContiguousChainMobilityMode, RobotConfigurationModule};
use optima::utils::utils_robot::robot_module_utils::RobotNames;

fn main() {
    // Initialize a new robot configuration for the ur5 robot.
    let mut robot_configuration = RobotConfigurationModule::new_from_names(RobotNames::new_base("ur5")).expect("error");

    // Sets the 0 joint idx (should_pan_joint, in the case of the ur5 robot) with joint_sub_idx 0 (the
    // default sub-idx for joints with only 1 degree of freedom) to a fixed value of 1.2.  From here on
    // out, this joint will no longer be considered a degree of freedom and, instead,
    // will remain locked at 1.2.
    robot_configuration.set_fixed_joint(0, 0, 1.2);

    // Sets link with idx 5 (wrist_2_link, in the case of the ur5 robot) as a "dead end link".  A
    // dead-end link means that this link, as well as all predecessor links in the kinematic chain,
    // will be removed from the model.  Note that this will also remove all joints that connect
    // these removed links, thus possibly reducing the number of degrees of freedom of the model.
    // Links and joints that are removed in this way are said to be not "present" in the model.

    // Sets the base of the robot to be mobile.  In this case, the base is floating (not
    // realistic for the ur5 robot, but is very useful, for example, for the hips
    // of humanoid robots).  This base will automatically add 6 degrees of freedom
    // to the model, 3 for translation (x, y, z) and 3 for rotation (rx, ry, rz).
    // All lower and upper bounds are set for each of these degrees of freedom.
    // All mobility modes are PlanarTranslation (x and y translation), PlanarRotation (rz rotation),
    // PlanarTranslationAndRotation (x and y translation + z rotation),
    // Static (i.e., 0 DOFs), and Floating (x, y, z translation + rx, ry, rz rotation).
    robot_configuration.set_mobile_base(ContiguousChainMobilityMode::Floating {
        x_bounds: (-2.0, 2.0),
        y_bounds: (-2.0, 2.0),
        z_bounds: (-2.0, 2.0),
        xr_bounds: (-3.14, 3.14),
        yr_bounds: (-3.14, 3.14),
        zr_bounds: (-3.14, 3.14)

    // Saves the robot configuration for later use.  This will add a file to
    // `optima_toolbox/optima_assets/optima_robots/ur5/configurations/test_configuration.JSON`.
    // NOTE: if you run this example multiple times and the test_configuration file is already
    // present, a prompt will show up in the console asking if you would like to save over
    // the already saved file."test_configuration");

    // For illustrative purposes, let's now load in our robot configuration from the file that
    // was just saved.  The second parameter in the `RobotNames` struct is now an option of
    // `Some` with the name of our recently saved configuration.
    let loaded_robot_configuration = RobotConfigurationModule::new_from_names(RobotNames::new("ur5", Some("test_configuration"))).expect("error");

    // This configuration can now be used to instantiate a `Robot`.
    let robot = Robot::new_from_robot_configuration_module(loaded_robot_configuration);

    // when we print information about the robot, we see that the information that we
    // inputted above is reflected in the printed output.

Explanations for the code above are written as comments line by line.

The code for this tutorial can be found in the file optima_toolbox/optima/examples/ and can be run from the optima_toolbox/optima directory using the following command:

cargo run --example 1_robot_configurations

Note that, if this example is run, a file called test_configuration.JSON will be saved in optima_toolbox/optima_assets/optima_robots/ur5/configurations. Because this configuration is only for educational purposes and is mostly nonsensical, I recommend deleting this file before moving on.

The output of this example should be the following:

  Link index:  0   Link name:  base_link   Present:  true 
  Link index:  1   Link name:  shoulder_link   Present:  true 
  Link index:  2   Link name:  upper_arm_link   Present:  true 
  Link index:  3   Link name:  forearm_link   Present:  true 
  Link index:  4   Link name:  wrist_1_link   Present:  true 
  Link index:  5   Link name:  wrist_2_link   Present:  false 
  Link index:  6   Link name:  wrist_3_link   Present:  false 
  Link index:  7   Link name:  ee_link   Present:  false 
  Link index:  8   Link name:  base   Present:  true 
  Link index:  9   Link name:  tool0   Present:  false 
  Link index:  10   Link name:  world   Present:  true 
  Link index:  11   Link name:  base_of_chain_link_with_child_link_10   Present:  true 

>> Joint index:  0   Joint name:  shoulder_pan_joint   Num dofs:  0   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], Fixed at value 1.2
>> Joint index:  1   Joint name:  shoulder_lift_joint   Num dofs:  1   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
>> Joint index:  2   Joint name:  elbow_joint   Num dofs:  1   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
>> Joint index:  3   Joint name:  wrist_1_joint   Num dofs:  1   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
>> Joint index:  4   Joint name:  wrist_2_joint   Num dofs:  1   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], Not fixed.
>> Joint index:  5   Joint name:  wrist_3_joint   Num dofs:  1   Present:  false 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
>> Joint index:  6   Joint name:  ee_fixed_joint   Num dofs:  0   Present:  false 
>> Joint index:  7   Joint name:  base_link-base_fixed_joint   Num dofs:  0   Present:  true 
>> Joint index:  8   Joint name:  wrist_3_link-tool0_fixed_joint   Num dofs:  0   Present:  false 
>> Joint index:  9   Joint name:  world_joint   Num dofs:  0   Present:  true 
>> Joint index:  10   Joint name:  base_of_chain_connector_joint_with_child_link_11   Num dofs:  6   Present:  true 
      -- Joint sub idx 0:  Translation about axis [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
      -- Joint sub idx 1:  Translation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
      -- Joint sub idx 2:  Translation about axis [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], Not fixed.
      -- Joint sub idx 3:  Rotation about axis [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
      -- Joint sub idx 4:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], Not fixed.
      -- Joint sub idx 5:  Rotation about axis [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], Not fixed.

DOF Joint Axis 0 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 1, joint_sub_dof_idx: 0, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-6.2831853, 6.2831853) }
DOF Joint Axis 1 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 2, joint_sub_dof_idx: 0, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-6.2831853, 6.2831853) }
DOF Joint Axis 2 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 3, joint_sub_dof_idx: 0, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-6.2831853, 6.2831853) }
DOF Joint Axis 3 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 4, joint_sub_dof_idx: 0, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-6.2831853, 6.2831853) }
DOF Joint Axis 4 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 0, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], axis: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Translation, bounds: (-2.0, 2.0) }
DOF Joint Axis 5 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 1, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Translation, bounds: (-2.0, 2.0) }
DOF Joint Axis 6 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 2, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis_primitive_type: Translation, bounds: (-2.0, 2.0) }
DOF Joint Axis 7 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 3, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], axis: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-3.14, 3.14) }
DOF Joint Axis 8 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 4, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-3.14, 3.14) }
DOF Joint Axis 9 ---> JointAxis { joint_idx: 10, joint_sub_dof_idx: 5, fixed_value: None, axis_as_unit: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis: [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], axis_primitive_type: Rotation, bounds: (-3.14, 3.14) }